
As an alternative to having new mains and service connections installed by us, developers can arrange for the work to be carried out by qualified contractors

Codes for Adoption are now available for Self-Lay (please see dropdown below for more details). This is for when a Developer appoints an independent Self-Lay Provider (known as SLP) to undertake the contestable work of designing and/or installing water mains and services on a new development site. It details processes, requirements for the work and specifies the role of SLP's and Water Companies. Additionally you can find guidance from Ofwat on Self-Lay here.

The work must be carried out by a company that is accredited with the Water Industry Registration Scheme (WIRS) which is administered by Lloyds Register.

As an alternative to having new mains and service connections installed by a Self-Lay Provider, developers can arrange for the work to be carried out by us.

Pre-Development Services

If you are planning to connect to our Clean Water network and you would like to understand the options which are available for the connection and an estimate of the likely cost of the connection before you make a formal application to us, we can provide you with a budget estimate.

More information on Pre-Development Services

Traditionally water companies have installed all mains and connected up all service pipes.  While developers can still choose to requisition mains and service connections from us, they can also employ a Self-Lay Provider (SLP) to design, lay and connect mains and services.  Upon completion of the work, we will then normally adopt the mains and/or services that have been installed by the SLP from the developer.  Once the installations are adopted the developer takes on no additional ongoing responsibility than if the work had been requisitioned.

Benefits of Self-Lay

Developers can find self-lay beneficial because:

  • They may be able to employ a single contractor to install the water, gas and electricity infrastructure;
  • It may work out cheaper to Self-Lay than requisition; and
  • Self-Lay Providers (SLPs) may be able to offer more bespoke service and greater flexibility in relation to the timing of the required works.

Applications made after 1st January 2021