
Do you have a contractor or plumber to do the work? 

You're responsible for laying the underground service pipe to the property boundary (sometimes beyond the property boundary) and the internal plumbing. You can use any plumber or contractor to carry out this work.

Approved plumbers can be found at WaterSafe. If you use an approved plumber or contractor to install your service pipe and your internal plumbing we may not need to inspect the work before we complete the connection. (We'll carry out audit checks on a random selection of these jobs).

Do you know the size of the connection you need? 

We will need to know what size pipe you are proposing to use for your service so if you are unsure we advise you to discuss with your plumber, contractor or water engineer before making your application.

A household property is normally connected by a standard 25mm water connection. A standard 25mm boundary box and meter will be installed on supplies for domestic purposes serving household properties.

Do you know the location of the nearest water main to connect to? 

If not you can obtain asset plans which indicate the water distribution network in your area through Property Search providers.

Source for Searches can provide information and charges for this service. contactus@sourceforsearches.co.uk

Do you know if there are any assets within your site, owned by us?

If there are and your new house(s) affect our assets you may need to apply to have these diverted.

If you're unsure you can request a copy of our maps.

Do you have permission to cross third party land if required to lay your service pipe?

If you need to cross any land owned by a third party to install your new service pipe you're responsible for arranging this.

If the existing water main is within private land we may arrange this with the land owner. This will be discussed during the site visit.

When do you want the connection to be made? 

Our quotes will be valid only for connections physically completed by the 31 March following the quote date (or 60 days whichever is later).  For example a quote dated 15 June 2016 will be valid until 31 March 2017.

If you don't think you'll be ready for your connection in that time then you’ll need to apply at a later date as additional charges may apply.