
How many ways could you save water at work?

There are many benefits of reducing water consumption in the workplace. It can help more than just cost. It can help your business to comply with current and future environmental legislation, reduce your carbon footprint and improve your company’s environmental performance.

Major cost savings can be gained by installing:

  • Urinal controls or waste urinals
  • Efficient flush toilets
  • Automatic or sensor taps
  • Appliances that have an eco-setting (and use them if they do).

Other steps you can take to implement water-saving behaviours at work include:

  • Educating your employees on the importance and practices of water efficiency.
  • Setting water usage targets and encourage widespread involvement to achieve this. 
  • Highlight any particular building or office that has put in place technologies, signage, and engagement programmes to result in water efficient behaviours and reduced water waste. 

Reduce the risk of wasting water from leaks by:

Making sure your pipes are protected against the cold weather as leakages can increase after a burst pipe due to frost.

  • Making sure you know where your supply pipes run and where the shut off valves are.
  • Checking meters at night or when no water is being used to monitor any leakages.

Ordinary steps really do make an extraordinary difference.

Get involved in Waterwise’s new research project

Water-Saving Incentive Schemes for Businesses

Waterwise is the UK’s leading independent voice for using water wisely, for the benefit of people and the planet. Working with more than 100 organisations Waterwise created the UK Water Efficiency Strategy to 2030. “Our vision is that water will be used wisely every day, everywhere, by everyone,” explains Jo Osborn, their Deputy Head of Policy and Public Affairs. 

Jo invites you to join their new research project: “As well as working closely with South West Water developing this Seasonal Tariff trial, Waterwise provides a range of advice and opportunities to help your business save water. We are currently undertaking a research project to review the options and appetite amongst water retailers, water wholesalers, water regulators and water-using businesses for a new, centralised, retailer-neutral incentive scheme.

“This scheme would encourage businesses to choose and fit water efficient products in their domestic settings or install other measures such as leak detectors, rainwater harvesting or grey water reuse systems. We are focusing the project on water using businesses that operate in the Retail, Education, Accommodation and Food/Beverage sectors.”

Be part of something bigger

conducting during September, you can find out more on their website.

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