By taking simple steps like spending one minute less in the shower or turning the tap off while you brush your teeth, can set you on track to start saving water.
To help you save water around the home, we’ve teamed up with savewatersavemoney to offer a FREE water-saving kit. Flush-saving devices, showersavers, timers and tap inserts are available to help reduce water usage.
You can read more about saving water or to order a discounted water butt, rain diverter or joining kit see our offers.
The national average annual usage figures have been taken from The Consumer Council for Water and are listed below:
Yearly water use in Cubic Metres m3 | |||
Number of people living in your home | Low use | Average use | High use |
1 | 45 | 66 | 100 |
2 | 55 | 110 | 136 |
3 | 82 | 136 | 175 |
4 | 110 | 165 | 210 |
5 | 136 | 182 | 245 |
6 | 155 | 200 | 265 |
1 cubic metre = 1000 litres
Your usage may be lower or higher for different reasons such as:
- The types of appliances you use
- If you use water for gardening, filling a pond, car washing, decorating etc
- If you have any building work taking place which uses a lot of water
- If you have family or guests staying
If you’re not on a meter, your average daily use is estimated to be around 179 litres per person.
You can order a water butt from the specialist savewatersavemoney.
By installing a water butt directly to your gutter downpipe, you will collect rainwater from the roof and can then use it for watering plants, topping up a pond or washing your car. On average every year enough rain water runs off the roof to fill around 300 standard size water butts.