Leak repair contractors 

Details are provided below of contractors in your area who specialise in leak repair. You can also find contact details of accredited contractors on the WaterSafe website www.watersafe.org.uk and on the Water Regs UK (WRUK) website www.waterregsuk.co.uk. Enter your post code into the search bar on these websites to find contractors in your local area. If you have home or specific plumbing insurance you should check your policy as it may cover leaks on your supply pipe. If it does contact your insurance company who will be able to arrange a repair for you.

This list is intended to help you find a suitable contractor to repair your leak, you do not have to use any of the companies listed, and we recommend that you get more than one quote for the repair work as prices and response times may vary. Please note that Bournemouth Water is not responsible for any third party contractor, and inclusion of contractors’ details on this list should not be taken as a recommendation or endorsement of their services.